Victorian Law Reform Commission

During term 1, Nick Gadd from the Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) visited the Meadow Fair campus to speak to the year 12 students studying Legal studies Unit 3&4 about the role and functions of the VLRC – a topic studied in VCE Legal.

The VLRC is an independent government-funded organisation that has the main roles of researching areas of law that need changing, and subsequently advising the Parliament (via the Attorney General) on recommended reforms to legislation. Nick spoke to the students about the recent changes in Victorian legislation regarding the legalisation of medicinal cannabis (Marijuana). Students learnt that the proper use of Marijuana can help patients with severe muscle spasms or pain from MS; severe pain from cancer, HIV or AIDS; severe nausea/vomiting/wasting from cancer, HIV or AIDS; severe seizures from epileptic conditions; and severe chronic pain.

The presentation was appreciated by the students, who were taking notes and listening intently. We look forward to seeing Nick in future years coming down for another presentation to our students.

Osman Aydogan
Legal Studies teacher